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United Nations — Treaty Series

(b) which qualify (or would qualify if they were dutiable) for temporary dutyfree admission by virtue of the provisions of article III or article V of this Convention;

provided that the importation of such goods does not give rise to any payment other than for freight or insurance or for services provided in the territory of importation by a person established in that territory.

2. In the case of goods which qualify (or would qualify if they were dutiable) for temporary duty-free admission by virtue of the provisions of article III or article V, this waiver of import prohibitions or restrictions shall extend only to the period for which temporary duty-free admission is allowed (or would be allowed if the goods were dutiable). In the case of non-re-exportation of such goods within the period during which the application of any import prohibitions or restrictions has been waived under paragraph 1 of this article, the authorities of the importing country may apply such measures as would have been applicable if the import prohibitions or restrictions had not been so waived. To this end, the authorities of the territory of importation may require appropriate guarantees, such as the deposit of a special security over and above any security deposited against payment of import duties.

3. The provisions of this Convention shall not prevent a Contracting Party from applying import prohibitions or restrictions:

(a) necessary to protect public morals or essential security interests;

(b) necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health;

(c) relating to the importation of gold or silver;

(d) necessary to secure compliance with laws or regulations relating to Customs enforcement, the enforcement of State monopolies, the protection of patents, trade-marks and copyrights;

(e) necessary to prevent deceptive practices;

(f) relating to the products of prison labour;

(g) necessary to the application of standards or regulations for the classification, grading or marketing of commodities in international trade.

Article VII
Simplification of formalities

1. Each Contracting Party shall keep to a minimum the formalities required in connexion with the facilities accorded by the present Convention.

No. 3010