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United Nations — Treaty Series

In Witness Wherof, the parties hereto, acting through their representatives thereunto duly authorized, have caused this Loan Agreement to be signed in their respective names and delivered in the District of Columbia, United States of America, as of the day and year first above written.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

By Eugene R. Black


The State Railway of Thailand

By Boonma Wongswan

Authorized Representative

Amortization Schedule

Date Payment Due Payment of Principal (expressed in dollars)* Principal Amount Outstanding After Each Payment (expressed in dollars)*
February 15, 1958———$12,000,000
August 15, 1958$360,00011,640,000
February 15, 1959368,00011,272,000
August 15, 1959377,00010,895,000
February 15, 1960385,00010,510,000
August 15, 1960394,00010,116,000
February 15, 1961404,0009,712,000
August 15, 1961413,0009,299,000
February 15, 1962422,0008,877,000
August 15, 1962432,0008,445,000
February 15, 1963442,0008,003,000
August 15, 1963452,0007,551,000
February 15, 1964463,0007,088,000
August 15, 1964474,0006,614,000
February 15, 1965485,0006,129,000
August 15, 1965495,0005,634,000
February 15, 1966507,0005,127,000
August 15, 1966519,0004,608,000
February 15, 1967531,0004,077,000
August 15, 1967543,0003,534,000
February 15, 1968556,0002,978,000
August 15, 1968569,0002,409,000
February 15, 1969582,0001,827,000
August 15, 1969595,0001,232,000
February 15, 1970609,000623,000
August 15, 1970623,000———

* To the extent that any part of the Loan is repayable in a currency other than dollars (see Loan Regulations, Section 3.02), the figures in these columns represent dollar equivalents determined as for purposes of withdrawal.

Premiums on prepayment and Redemption

The following percentages are specified as the premiums payable on repayment in advance of maturity of any part of the principal amount of the Loan pursuant to Section 2.05 (b) of the Loan Regulations or on the redemption of any Bond prior to its maturity pursuant to Section 6.16 of the Loan Regulations:

Time of Prepayment or Redemption Premium
Not more than 5 years before maturity ½%
More than 5 years but not more than 10 years before maturity 1%
More than 10 years before maturity 2%

No. 3011