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Nations Unies - Recuei des Traités

imposed by the Government or any political subdivision thereof or by any other public authority.

B. No tax, fee, toll or duty shall be levied by the Government or any subdivision thereof or any other public authority on or in respect of salaries or remunerations for personal services paid by the Fund to its officers, employees or other Fund personnel who are not subjects of Guatemala or permanent residents thereof.

C. The Government shall take such action as is necessary for the purpose of giving effect to the foregoing provisions of this Article. In addition, the Government shall take whatever other action may be necessary to ensure that supplies and services furnished by the Fund are not subjected to any tax, fee, toll or duty in a manner which reduces the resources of the Fund.

D. The Government shall undertake to pay all taxes, fees, tolls or duties referred to in the above three paragraphs of this Article if its laws do not allow such exceptions.

Article VIII
Claims against the Fund

A. The Government shall assume full responsibility and shall defend, at its own cost, the Fund, its employees and agents in respect of any claim asserted in Guatemala against the Fund, its employees and agents, arising in connexion with any assistance which has been provided or may be provided by the Fund at the Government's request. In the event that the Government makes any payment under the terms of this Article, the Government shall be entitled to exercise all the rights, claims and interest which the Fund could have exercised against third parties.

B. This Article shall not apply with respect to any claim against the Fund for injuries incurred by a staff member of the Fund.

Article IX
Privleges and Immunities

The Government recognizes that the Fund, as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations, and its personnel are entitled to the privileges and immunities contained in the Convention[1] on Privileges and Immunities adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations and ratified by Guatemala on 16 June 1947.[2]

  1. United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 1, pp. 15 and 263; Vol. 4, p. 461; Vol. 5, p. 413; Vol. 6, p. 433; Vol. 7, p. 353; Vol. 9, p. 398; Vol. 11, p. 406; Vol. 12, p. 416; Vol. 14, p. 490; Vol. 15, p. 442; Vol. 18, p. 382; Vol. 26, p. 396; Vol. 42, p. 354; Vol. 43, p. 335; Vol. 45, p. 318; Vol. 66,p. 346; Vol. 70, p. 266; Vol. 173, p. 369; Vol. 177, p. 324; Vol. 180, p. 296; Vol. 202, p. 320, and Vol. 214, p. 348.
  2. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 7 July 1947.
No 3012