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Nations Unies — Recuei des Traités

Article X

Public Information

The Government shall afford the Fund opportunity for, and shall cooperate with the Fund in making public information regarding the delivery and distribution of supplies furnished by the Fund.

Article XI

Period of Agreement

A. The present Agreement, which revokes and replaces the Agreement signed on 9 February 1950,[1] shall come into force on the date of signature. It shall remain in force until the termination of all plans of operations approved under this Agreement, plus a reasonable period for the completion of an orderly liquidation of all Fund activities in Guatemala.

B. In case of disagreement as to whether the terms of this Agreement (excepting Article IX) are being complied with, the matter shall be referred to the Programme Committee of the Executive Board of the Fund for appropriate action. The Programme Committee will invite a representative of Guatemala to present his views to it, in writing and in person, if he so desires.

Done in the Spanish language, and signed at Guatemala City, on the twenty-second day of November, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five.

For the Government of Guatemala: Domingo Goicolea Villacorta Minister of Foreign

Affairs For the United Nations Children's Fund: Alice C. Shaffer

Chief, Mexico and Central America Area Office

No 3012
  1. United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 65, p. 84.