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United Nations — Treaty Series

The United States shall have the unrestricted right of removing or disposing of all such property,


(a) that the removal or disposition does not impair the operation of the station, unless it has been discontinued in accordance with paragraph 5 (b) below, and

(b) that removal or disposition takes place within a reasonable time after the date on which the operation of the Station has been discontinued pursuant to this agreement.

(5) Operation of the Station

(a) Right of Canada to Assume, Operation

Canada shall have the right, on one year's notice, to take over the operation and manning of the Station. In the event that Canada does take over the operation and manning of the Station, the subsequent costs of operation (excluding military man-power costs) shall be shared by the two countries, the proportion to be paid by each to be determined on the basis of the use made by each of the services provided by the Station.

(b) Period of Operation of the Station

The Station shall be maintained in operation for a period of ten years or such shorter period as shall be agreed by both countries in the light of their mutual defence interests. Thereafter, the Station shall be operated so long as in the opinion of both countries there is a continuing need for the facilities in their mutual defence interests; in the event that either government wishes to discontinue the arrangement and to close the Station, the question of continuing need shall be referred to the Permanent Joint Board on Defence. In considering the question of continuing need, the Permanent Joint Board on Defence shall take into account the relationship of the Loran facilities at this Station with those established elsewhere in the same general region.

If it is decided at any time that the Station is no longer necessary it shall be closed within one year, and the land together with any immovable facilities on it shall revert to the use of Canada.

(c) It shall be the responsibility of the United States at the end of its occupancy of the site to ensure that the site is left in good order.

(6) Assignment of Radio Frequencies

Arrangements respecting such technical matters as frequencies and powers shall be co-ordinated with the RCAF and with the Department of Transport, and will be subject to the approval of the Department of Transport.

(7) Scientific Information

Any geological, topographical, hydrographical or other scientific data obtained in the course of operations at Cape Christian shall be transmitted to the Canadian Government.

No. 3015