Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/358

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United Nations — Treaty Series

(8) Protection of Wildlife and Objects of Historic Interest

No game or wildlife shall be taken or molested on Baffin Island by members of the construction force or personnel on the Station staff.

No objects of archaeological interest or historic significance on Baffin Island will be disturbed or removed therefrom.

In the event that facilities planned for the Station might encroach on or disturb the existing settlement at Clyde or any Eskimo settlements, burial grounds, etc., in that area, the permission of the Canadian Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources must be obtained before such facilities are constructed. The United States authorities shall be responsible for the removal of any objects to an acceptable location.

(9) Consultation with Canadian Official on Cape Christian

Should any situation develop during the construction and operation of the Station which conflicts with any of the provisions listed above, the senior United States official shall consult the Canadian officer-in-charge in an attempt to resolve the problem or hindrance.

(10) Station Staff

It is noted that the U.S. Coast Guard expects to staff the Loran Station with one commissioned officer and 32 enlisted men. Any substantial increase in the complement shall become a matter of negotiation between the two Governments.

It is understood that the personnel will not be engaged in any Military operations other than those concerned with the proper functioning of a Loran Transmitting Station.

No provision for station security shall be made beyond that which the normal station complement can make with a nominal allowance of small arms.

(11) Canadian Immigration and Customs Regulations

The entry of U.S. personnel into Baffin Island will be in accordance with Canadian customs and immigration procedures which will be administered by a local Canadian official designated by the Canadian Government. However, the usual arrangements shall be made for the exemption from Canadian customs duties and taxes, of U.S. Government-owned property brought to Baffin Island for the construction and operation of the Station.

No. 3015