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United Nations — Treaty Series

trainee, the Netherlands, Surinam or Netherlands Antilles Governments, or a private sponsor, in a proportion to be specified in each case.

2. The Government of the United States of America will notify the Government of the Netherlands, whenever it finds that training grants are available to fulfill requests for training which may be made by the Netherlands Government on behalf of the Government of Surinam or the Netherlands Antilles, and will invite the Netherlands Government to recommend suitable candidates for the desired training. After consultation with the Government of Surinam or the Government of the Netherlands Antilles, as the case may be, the Netherlands Government will notify the Government of the United States of the names of the candidates recommended on behalf of Surinam or the Netherlands Antilles. The Government of the United States will subsequently notify the Government of the Netherlands of the names of the candidates who have been selected by the Government of the United States to receive grants and will specify the type of grant to be awarded in each case.

The channels for the communications between the Governments of the United States and the Netherlands referred to above shall be the Governor of Surinam and the United States Consulate at Paramaribo, and the Governor of the Netherlands Antilles and the United States Consulate General at Curacao, as the case may be, or such other officials of either Government in Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles as either Government may subsequently designate.

It should be mentioned that under United States law certain principles designed to insure effective operation apply to technical assistance furnished by the United States Government to other countries. It is understood that in connection with the activities proposed by this note the Netherlands Government will:

1. Endeavor to coordinate and integrate all training activities to be carried on pursuant hereto;

2. Cooperate in the mutual exchange of technical knowledge and skills with other countries participating in technical cooperation activities of the nature of those to be carried on pursuant hereto;

3. Endeavor to make effective use of the services of the persons who are trained under the proposed awards;

4. Communicate to the Government of the United States of America in a form and at intervals to be mutually agreed upon, information concerning activities to be carried on pursuant hereto. It is also understood that the Governments of the United States of America and the Netherlands will endeavor to give full publicity to the objectives and progress of the training to be carried on pursuant hereto.

No. 3017