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United Nations — Treaty Series

each of them shall furnish to the other all such information as it shall reasonably request with regard to the general status of the Loan. On the part of the Guarantor, such information shall include information with respect to financial and economic conditions in the territories of the Guarantor and the international balance of payments position of the Guarantor.

(b) The Guarantor and the Bank shall from time to time exchange views through their representatives with regard to matters relating to the purposes of the Loan and the maintenance of the service thereof. The Guarantor shall promptly inform the Bank of any condition which interferes with, or threatens to interfere with, the accomplishment of the purposes of the Loan or the maintenance of the service thereof.

(c) The Guarantor shall afford all reasonable opportunity for accredited representatives of the Bank to visit any part of the territories of the Guarantor for purposes related to the Loan.

Section 3.03. The principal of, and interest and other charges on, the Loan and the Bonds and the premium, if any, on the prepayment of the Loan or the redemption of the Bonds shall be paid without deduction for, and free from, any taxes or fees imposed under the laws of the Guarantor or laws in effect in its territories; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to taxation of, or fees upon, payments under any Bond to a holder thereof other than the Bank when such Bond is beneficially owned by an individual or corporate resident of the Guarantor.

Section 3.04. This Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the Bonds, the Assignment and the Mortgage shall be free from any taxes or fees that shall be imposed under the laws of the Guarantor or laws in effect in its territories on or in connection with the execution, issue, delivery or registration thereof.

Section 3.05. The principal of, and interest and other charges on, the Loan and the Bonds and the premium, if any, on the prepayment of the Loan or the redemption of the Bonds shall be paid free from all restrictions imposed under the laws of the Guarantor or laws in effect in its territories.

Article IV

Section 4.01. The Guarantor shall endorse, in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Regulations, its guarantee on the Bonds to be executed and delivered by the Borrower. The Minister of Finance of the Guarantor and such person or persons as he shall designate in writing are designated as the authorized representatives of the Guarantor for the purposes of Section 6.12 (b) of the Loan Regulations.

No. 531