Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/4

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United Nations - Treaty Series
No. 3005. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and German Democratic Republic:
Protocol concerning the discontinuance of German reparations payments and other measures to alleviate the financial and economic obligations of the German Democratic Republic arising in consequence of the war. Signed at Moscow, on 22 August 1953
No. 3006. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Finland:
Agreement concerning the granting of a loan to the Republic of Finland. Signed at Moscow, on 6 February 1954
No. 3007. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Peru:
Guarantee Agreement - Pacasmayo Cement Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No. 4 and Loan Agreement - Pacasmayo Cement Project between the Bank and Compafia Nacional de Cemento Portland del Norte S.A.). Signed at Washington, on 19 April 1955
No. 3008. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Egypt:
Exchange of notes (with annex) constituting an agreement governing reserves of petroleum products in accordance with certain provisions of the Agreement regarding the Suez Canal Base signed on the 19th of October, 1954. Cairo, 19 October 1954
No. 3009. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (acting on behalf of North Borneo) and Philippines:
No. 3010. Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, etc. :
International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material. Done at Geneva, on 7 November 1952
No. 3011. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Thailand:
Guarantee Agreement - Second Railway Project (with annexed Loan Agreement - Second Railway Project - between the Bank and the State Railway of Thailand, and Loan Regulations No. 4). Signed at Washington, on 9 August 1955