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United Nations — Treaty Series

Demarcation of the State Frontier between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic, who, having exchanged their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows:

Amendments to the Agreement concerning the Régime on the Frontier

1. Article 1, paragraph 1 of the Agreement concerning the regime on the Soviet-Polish State frontier shall be amended to read as follows:

"The State frontier between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic, established by the Treaty of 16 August 1945[1] between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic concerning the Soviet-Polish State Frontier and by the Treaty of 15 February 1951 between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic concerning the exchange of sectors of their State territories, shall follow on the ground the line as defined in the demarcation documents signed at Warsaw on 30 April 1947 by the Mixed Polish-Soviet Commission for the Demarcation of the State Frontier, and, in the area in which sectors of the State territories of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Poland were exchanged, as defined in the demarcation documents, also signed at Warsaw on 23 October 1951 by the Mixed Soviet-Polish Commission for the Demarcation of the State Frontier between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic.

"This line is designated in the present Agreement by the words "frontier" or frontier line. "

2. The section entitled "Ad Article 1 of the Agreement" of the Final Protocol to the Agreement concerning the regime on the Soviet-Polish State frontier shall be amended to read as follows:

"1. The demarcation documents shall consist of the following:

"(a) The descriptive protocol relating to the line of the State frontier between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic from the frontier mark "Kremenets" ("Krzemieniec"), set up at the junction of the State frontiers of the USSR, Poland and Czechoslovakia, to frontier mark No. 350, from frontier mark No. 472 to frontier mark No. 700 and from frontier mark No. 860 to frontier mark No. 1987, set up at the junction of the frontiers of the Lithuanian SSR, formerly of East Prussia (now the Kaliningrad Region of the RSFSR) and the Polish Republic, drawn up when the frontier between the USSR and the Polish Republic was demarcated in 1946–1947;

"And the descriptive protocol relating to the line of the State frontier between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic from frontier mark No. 350, through frontier marks No. 351-A to No. 432-A inclusive, to frontier mark No. 472 and from frontier mark No. 700 through frontier mark No. 701-B to No. 859-B inclusive, to frontier mark No. 860, drawn up when the frontier between the USSR and the Polish Republic was demarcated in 1951.

  1. United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 10, p. 193.
Nos. 575-576