Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/434

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United Nations — Treaty Series

"(b) The maps of the State frontier between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic, drawn up when the State frontier was demarcated in 1946–47 and in 1951.

"(c) The protocols on the siting of frontier marks, containing on the obverse side sketches and photographs of the marks, drawn up when the frontier was demarcated in 1946–47, from the frontier mark "Kremenets" ("Krzemieniec") to frontier mark No. 350, from frontier mark No. 472 to frontier mark No. 700, and from frontier mark No. 860 to frontier mark No. 1987;

"And the protocols on the siting of frontier marks, containing sketches on the obverse side, relating to frontier mark No. 350, frontier marks No. 351-A to No. 432-A inclusive and frontier mark No. 472, frontier mark No. 700, frontier marks No. 701-B to No. 859-B inclusive and frontier mark No. 860, drawn up when the frontier was demarcated in 1951;

"And also the relevant annexes and additions thereto."

Amendments to the Convention concerning the Procedure for the Settlement of Frontier Disputes and Incidents

(I) The Preamble to the Convention concerning the Procedure for the Settlement of Frontier Disputes and Incidents shall be amended to read as follows:

"The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the Polish Republic, being desirous of obviating any disputes or incidents that might arise on the frontier established by the Agreement of 16 August 1945 between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic concerning the Soviet-Polish State frontier and by the Agreement of 15 February 1951 between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Polish Republic concerning the exchange of sectors of their State territories, and, if such disputes or incidents should arise, of ensuring for their prompt investigation and settlement, have resolved to conclude the present Convention for that purpose and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries the undersigned, who, having exchanged their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows:

"(2) Articles 1 and 2 of the Protocol to the Convention concerning the Procedure for the Settlement of Frontier Disputes and Incidents relating to the residences of the Frontier Commissioners of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics shall be amended to read as follows:

"1. The Frontier Commissioner of the Lvov (Lwów) sector with permanent residence in Mostisk (Mościsk); his sector of operations extends from the frontier mark "Kremenets" ("Krzemieniec") (at the junction with the Czechoslovak frontier) to water frontier mark No. 350, set up when the frontier was demarcated in 1946–1947, and from frontier mark No. 351-A to frontier mark No. 432-A set up when the frontier was demarcated in 1951, and from frontier mark No. 472 to frontier mark No. 672 (at the Yaroslav-Rava Russkaya railway) set up when the frontier was demarcated in 1946–47.

Nos. 575-576