Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/60

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United Nations - Treaty Series

2. The localization and destruction of centres of infection of plant pests and diseases by chemical, agro-biological, agro-technical and all other methods available to the two Parties.

3. The imposition of quarantine on inhabited places and areas where centres of infection of dangerous pests and diseases subject to quarantine are discovered and the prohibition of the export from such places and areas to the territory of the other Party of goods of vegetable origin, especially seeds and sets of agricultural, decorative and woodland plants, which may be the sources from which such pests and diseases are disseminated.

Article 3

Both Contracting Parties undertake to carry out the measures referred to in article 2 against dangerous plant pests and diseases subject to quarantine.

These pests and plants are the following:

  1. The cotton moth (pink bollworm)
  2. The Colorado potato beetle
  3. The potato moth
  4. The Mediterranean fruit fly
  5. Phylloxera
  6. The California beetle
  7. The potato nematode
  8. Potato canker
  9. Flax "pasmo"
  10. Virus diseases affecting stone fruit (peach yellow, low peach yield,plum and peach mosaic)
  11. Contagious internode contraction in grape vines (court-nouj)
  12. Fall webworm-American (Hyphantria cunea Drury)

Article 4

Both Contracting Parties also undertake to assist one another in the control of mass pests, namely the Asiatic and Moroccan locust. They undertake to organize and put into effect such measures to destroy the breeding grounds of locusts as will enable them, each year, to take the appropriate precautionary measures to prevent the migration of locusts across the frontier from the territory of one Contracting Party to that of the other.

Article 5

The two Contracting Parties shall inform one another of the appearance in their territories of the dangerous pests and diseases affecting agricultural No. 3001