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United Nations — Treaty Series

In the event of large-scale outbreaks of dangerous plant pests and diseases constituting a threat to agriculture in the territory of either Contracting Party, the Contracting Parties agree to assist one another by sending special expeditions to the territory of the Party from which a request is received, for the purpose of destroying the centres of outbreaks of pests and diseases of agricultural plants.

Article 10

Both Contracting Parties agree to inform each other regarding:

1. All laws and regulations relating to the quarantine and control of pests and diseases affecting agricultural plants regulating the import of goods of vegetable origin, as and when such laws are enacted.

2. The results of inspections of agricultural crops and unused land for the purpose of discovering infection by the pests and diseases referred to in articles 3 and 4 of this Convention; also the results of measures taken to combat them and to destroy the centres of outbreaks of the said pests and diseases of agricultural plants.

The said information shall be exchanged twice in each financial year: the first time by 15 September and the second time by 15 January of the following year.

3. Information about the Colorado potato beetle, if any centres of infection are discovered, shall be conveyed immediately by telegraph.

Article 11

Both Contracting Parties have agreed to convene annual Soviet-Hungarian conferences on matters connected with the control of pests and diseases affecting agricultural plants for the purpose of settling practical problems relating to the implementation of this Convention and also with a view to mutual information and the exchange of experience concerning the measures referred to.

The conferences shall be held alternately in the USSR and in Hungary. The dates and meeting place shall be fixed by mutual agreement of the Parties.

Article 12

This Convention is subject to ratification at the earliest possible date and shall enter into force after the exchange of the instruments of ratification, which shall take place in Moscow.

No. 3001