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United Nations — Treaty Series

Article 6

Both Contracting Parties agree that consignments of goods of vegetable origin, as for example: seeds, sets, bulbs, tubers, cuttings, stems, graftings and the like, and also all consignments of goods for food, fodder and industrial use, such as grain, beans, fruit, cotton fibre and others, shall, on being exported from one country into the other, be covered by a certificate issued by the plant Quarantine Service of the exporting country stating that the consignments concerned are free from the pests and diseases mentioned in article 3 of the Convention and do not originate in regions where such pests and diseases are present. Grape-vine sets shall be subject to chemical disinfection. The existence of a quarantine certificate shall not affect the right of the Quarantine Service of the two Contracting Parties to carry out a quarantine check of the consignments concerned and to make the import of such consignments subject to specific restrictions or to disinfection.

In the event of pests or diseases subject to quarantine being discovered in plant products, the Quarantine Service of the consigning country shall be notified immediately.

In the exchange of goods between the two Contracting Parties, the use of straw, hay, leaves and other waste products of agricultural plants as packing material shall be avoided, and sawdust, wood shavings or moss shall be substituted therefor. Plants imported and exported by the two Contracting Parties shall be free from soil.

Article 7

Both Contracting Parties shall issue to the competent authorities in their territories regulations whereby the import from any third State of vegetable products such as seeds, bulbs, tubers, cuttings, sets, roots and the like will be effected solely under a permit of the Quarantine Service.

Quarantine measures and the areas in which such vegetable products may be used shall also be defined by agreement with the plant Quarantine Service.

Article 8

Both Contracting Parties undertake to establish as appropriate in their territories specific frontier points through which consignments of goods of vegetable origin may be imported from, and exported to, third countries; to check such consignments carefully for infection by plant pests and diseases subject to quarantine and, for this purpose, to equip the said frontier points with disinfection chambers for the disinfection of consignments of imported No. 3002