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United Nations — Treaty Series

Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration;
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea;
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law;
League of Arab States;
Organization of American States;
Permanent Conference for the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime
Resources of the South Pacific.

6. The Conference elected His Royal Highness Prince Wan Waithayakon Krommun Naradhip Bongsprabandh (Thailand) as President.

7. The Conference elected as Vice-presidents Argentina, China, France, Guatemala, India, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Arab Republic, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America.

8. The following committees were set up:

General Committee

Chairman: The President of the Conference

First Committee (Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone)

Chairman: Mr. K. H. Bailey (Australia)
Vice-Chairman: Mr. S. Gutiérrez Olivos (Chile)
Rapporteur: Mr. Vladimir M. Koretsky (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic)

Second Committee (High Seas: General Régime)

Chairman: Mr. 0. C. Gundersen (Norway)
Vice-Chairman: Mr. Edwin Glaser (Romania)
Rapporteur: Mr. José Madeira Rodrigues (Portugal)

Third Committee (High Seas: Fishing; the Conservation of Living Resources)

Chairman: Mr. Carlos Sucre (Panama)
Vice-Chairman: Mr. E. Krispis (Greece)
Rapporteur: Mr. N. K. Pannikar (India)

Fourth Committee (Continental Shelf)

Chairman:Mr. A. B. Perera (Ceylon)
Vice-Chairman: Mr. R. A. Quarshie (Ghana)
Rapporteur: Mr. L. Díaz González (Venezuela)

Fifth Committee (Question of Free Access to the Sea of Land-locked Countries)

Chairman: Mr. J. Žourek (Czechoslovakia)
Vice-Chairman: Mr. W. Guevara Arze (Bolivia)
Rapporteur: Mr. A. H. Tabibi (Afghanistan)

No. 6465