2. State, provincial, and district conferences: Formed from two-thirds or more of the locals in their respective territories, and "shall have power to make laws to govern themselves * * * so long as such laws do not conflict with the constitution and by-laws of the association."
3. Local unions: "All local unions shall have the right to establish their own local laws, provided they do not conflict with the constitution."
4. Convention: Held triennially, enacts general legislation. Election of general officers by referendum.
Qualifications for membership. — Journeymen stone cutters and carvers, bluestone cutters and carvers, marble cutters and carvers, bridge and curb cutters, tool sharpeners and grinders, and all who operate stone, bluestone, marble, and artificial stonecutting and sawing machinery and all molders in artificial stone plants and all who are engaged in the fabrication of stone, bluestone, or artificial stone, who are citizens of the United States or Canada, or who have declared citizenship intentions, are eligible to membership, after demonstrating ability by actual work performed. "Planermen and all machine men, including all men operating lathes or carborundum machinery used in the fabrication of all materials over which we claim jurisdiction, may become members." "Molders of cast or artificial stone will be taken in under a separate charter."
Apprenticeship regulations. — "No applicant under the age of 16 years or over 20 shall be allowed to apprentice himself to the trade. All apprentices to the stonecutting industry shall serve a term of four years and shall comply with all the rules and regulations governing journeymen.
"One apprentice will be allowed to every 5 men in a shop; 2 apprentices to 15 men; but in no case shall there be more than 3 apprentices in any one shop.
"Locals shall stipulate the rate of wages apprentices under their jurisdiction shall receive each year.
"The employer shall provide all tools for apprentices until said apprentices become journeymen. Apprentices are not to use pneumatic machines."
Agreements. — Negotiated by local unions with local employers, generally individually, but occasionally in association.
Constitutional prohibitions: "This association strictly prohibits piecework and subcontracting of stone cutting or carving * * *. Any member taking a contract shall be compelled to take out an employer's card. Employers shall not work at cutting or carving unless they have two or more members of the association employed. * * * This association does not permit its members to do any carving unless they receive carver's wages. Carvers shall receive at least $2 per day more than journeymen cutters. * * * No member of this association shall be allowed to work on any material that is fabricated in a prison. * * * No member of this association shall be permitted to make time contracts with employers. No member of this association is to cut stone where lines are drawn on by apprentices or nonmembers."
Benefits. — Strike and lockout; death.
Official organ. — The Stone Cutters' Journal.
Headquarters. — American Central Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind.
Organization. — Districts:
District No. 1: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Washington, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Wisconsin, Oregon, Missouri, Kentucky, New Mexico.
District No. 2: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan.
District No. 3: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine.
District No. 4: New Jersey, New York.
District No. 5: Dominion of Canada.
Local unions: United States — Alabama, 1; Arkansas, 1; California, 2; Colorado, 3; Connecticut, 4; District of Columbia, 1; Florida, 2; Georgia, 1; Idaho, 1; Illinois, 9; Indiana, 11; Iowa, 4; Kansas, 6; Kentucky, 3; Louisiana, 1; Maryland, 1; Massachusetts, 3; Michigan, 3; Minnesota, 4; Missouri, 4; Nebraska, 2; New Jersey, 2; New York, 11; Ohio, 14; Oklahoma, 2; Oregon, 1; Pennsylvania, 10; Rhode Island, 1; Tennessee 3; Texas, 4; Utah, 1; Virginia, 1; Washington, 1; West Virginia, 3: Wisconsin, 4; Wyoming, 1. Canada — Alberta, 2; British Columbia, 2; Manitoba, 1; Ontario, 9; Quebec, 3; Saskatchewan, 1. Total, 144.
Membership.— 5,800.