2. Local unions: Subordinate; "to local onions is conceded the right to make all necessary laws for local self-government which do not conflict with the laws of the international."
3. Convention: To meet annually; elects general officers; enacts legislation. Constitutional amendments by convention.
Qualifications for membership. — Steel and brass engravers, hub cutters, and routers other than employers are eligible to membership.
Apprenticeship regulations. — "We favor the adoption of a legal apprenticeship. No employer shall have more than one apprentice for every five men in his employ and not more than two apprentices will be allowed in any shop."
Agreements. — Negotiated independently by local unions through committees. No signed contracts.
Benefits. — Strike.
Official organ. — Bulletin.
Headquarters. — Rochester, N. Y.
Organization. — Local unions: Illinois, 1; Massachusetts, 1; Michigan, 1; New York, 2; Wisconsin, 1. Total, 6.
Membership.— 140.
Firemen and Oilers, International Brotherhood of
Affiliated to the American Federation of Labor.
Organized in Kansas City, Mo., in December, 1898, from a number of American Federation of Labor locals and some independent unions of firemen. As at first organized it was called the International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen and included only men engaged in that work. Later it became necessary to extend jurisdiction and control to the oilers and helpers in the boiler rooms, and in 1902 the name was changed to International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen and Oilers. Some years later the word " stationary " was dropped from the title of the organization.
By a ruling of the Railroad Labor Board the Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers was granted the right to represent the roundhouse and railroad shop laborers in hearings before that body. Prior to the war, workers of that class, when organized at all, were in American Federation of Labor local unions. These locals were transferred to the Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers as a result of the Labor Board decision. Railroad-shop laborers are also, however, organized under and included in the jurisdiction of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees.
Objects. — "The objects of this brotherhood shall be to organize local unions; to place our occupation upon a higher plane of intelligence, efficiency, and skill; to encourage the settlement of disputes between employers and employees by arbitration; to secure employment and a fair wage for the same; provide for a respectable burial for our dead; to establish schools of instruction for imparting practical knowledge of modern operation of steam plants; to reduce the hours of day labor; and by all legal, proper means to elevate our moral, social, and intellectual condition.
Territorial jurisdiction. — United States and Canada.
Trade jurisdiction. — Boiler firemen, retort firemen, water tenders, boiler washers, boiler-washers' helpers, oilers, ash handlers, coal passers, stoker firemen, stoker helpers, roundhouse and railroad shop helpers, and laborers.
Government. — 1. Executive board, composed of president, secretary-treasurer, and seven vice presidents. "All powers of the international * * * when not in session in convention, shall be vested in the international president, with the approval of the international executive board."
2. State districts: When organized by three or more locals all locals must affiliate. "State districts shall have the right to make their own constitutions and by-laws and make such rules and laws" as may be necessary, in conformity with international constitution.