Page:US Copyright Office - Renewal Registrations - 1950.djvu/78

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      Price per semi-annual issue
Part 1A Books $1. 50
  A Books and selected pamphlets.
  AF Books in foreign languages published abroad.
  AI Books in the English language first published abroad.
Part 1B Pamphlets, Serials and Contributions to Periodicals 1. 50
  AA Pamphlets and serials, also books not included in Part 1A.
  B5 Contributions to periodicals.
Part 2 Periodicals 1. 00
  B Periodicals.
Parts 3 & 4 Dramas and Works Prepared For Oral Delivery 1. 00
  C Lectures and other works prepared for oral delivery.
  DP Published dramatic and dramatico-musical works.
  DU Unpublished dramatic and dramatico-musical works.
Part 5A Published Music 1. 50
  EF Musical compositions published abroad.
  EP Musical compositions published in the United States.
Part 5B Unpublished Music 1. 50
  EU Unpublished music.
Part 6 Maps 0.50
  F Maps.
Parts 7-11A Works of Art, Reproductions of Works of Art, Scientific and Technical Drawings, Photographic Works, Prints and Pictorial Illustrations 1. 00
  GP Published works of art and designs for works of art.
  GU Unpublished works of art and designs for works of art.
  H Reproductions of works of art published in the United States.
  HF Reproductions of works of art published abroad.
  IP Published drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character.
  IU Unpublished drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character.
  JP Published photographs.
  JU Unpublished photographs.
  K Prints and pictorial illustrations published in the United States.
  KF Prints and pictorial illustrations published abroad.
Part 11B Commercial Prints and Labels 1. 00
  KK Commercial prints and labels.
Parts 12 & 13 Motion Pictures 0.50
  LP Published motion picture photoplays.
  LU Unpublished motion picture photoplays.
  MP Published motion pictures other than photoplays.
  MU Unpublished motion pictures other than photoplays.
Part 14A Renewal Registrations — Literature, Art, Film 0.50
  R Renewal registrations.
Part 14B Renewal Registrations—Music 1. 00
  R Renewal registrations.

Note: The symbols listed represent the materials principally contained in each part; for other materials which may be included in a particular part and for a more complete statement of contents, the respective prefaces should be consulted.