Page:US Copyright Office - Renewal Registrations - 1950.djvu/95

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CONNELLY, Marcus Cook. SEE

Dulcy. R65679.


The blackmailers. R70727.

CONNETT, Eugene V., 3d. SEE

Wing shooting and angling. R68247.

CONNOR, Ralph, pseud. SEE Gordon,

Charles William.

THE CONQUEST OF SELF, by Louia E. Bisch. © 7Sep23, A760027. R67003, 13Sep50, Louis E. Bisch (A)


Christmas day at sea. R66896.
The rover. R65985 ...
Stephen Crane: a study in American letters. R69479 ...

CONRAD AND THE REPORTERS, by Christopher Morley. (In New York evening post) ©. Christopher Morley (A)

May 3, 1923 issue. © 3May23, B561486. R71681, 14Dec50.
May 4, 1923 issue. © 1May23, B561487. R71682, 14Dec50.
May 5, 1923 issue. © 5May23, B561488. R71683, 14Dec50.
May 7, 1923 issue. © 7May23, B561489. R71684, 14Dec50.
May 10, 1923 Issue. © 10May23, B561492. R71685, 14Dec50.

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES: an historical survey of Its formation, by Robert Livingston Schuyler. © 30Oct23, A760669. R691434. 3Nov50, Robert Livingston Schuyler (A)

THE CONSTITUTIONAL FACTORS IN DEMENTIA PRECOX, by Nolan D. C. Lewis. (Nervous and mental disease monograph series, no. 35) © 8Jan23, A698065. R71970, 13Dec50, Smith Ely Jelliffe Trust, Carel Goldschmidt, trustee (PWH)

CONSTRUCTIVE SALESMANSHIP, principles and practice, by John Alford Stevenson. © 1Jun23, A704775. R64982, 27Ju150, Josephine R. Stevenson (W)

CONVENIENCES FOR THE COOK, by Gene Stratton Porter; illustrated by Gertrude Kay. (In McCall's magazine) © Jeannette Porter Meehan (C)

Sept. 1923 Issue. © 10Aug23, A713047. R66642, 11Aug50.

COOK, Charles A. SEE

The larger stewardship. R72042.

COOK, Walter Wheeler. SEE

Cases and other authorities on equity. R68269.

THE COOK'S SURPRISE, by Margery Clark [pseud, of Mary E. Clark and Margery Quigley) Pictures by Madge Anderson. © 28Sep23, A759557. R67964, 6Oct50, Mary E. Clark (A) & Margery Quigley (A)


Lost wagons. R69271.


The return of the middle class. R68248.

CORDUROY, by Ruth Comfort Mitchell. © 28Feb23, A698535. R72283, 28Dec50, Ruth Comfort Mitchell (A)

CORPUS JURIS, edited by William Mack, William Benjamin Hale and Donald J. Kiser. v. 30. © 17May23, A711060. R64311, 10Ju150, The American Law Book Co. (PWH)

CORPUS JURIS, edited by William Mack, William Benjamin Hale and Donald J. Kiser. v. 31. © 13Sep23, A7S9605. R68266, 13Oct50, The American Law Book Co. (PWH)

CORRECT ENGLISH, a language series for the Philippines, by Mary E. Polley and Josefa Jura Martinez. © Mary E. Polley (A) & Josefa J. Martinez (A)

Grade 3. © 17Feb23, A696493. R67299, 20Sep50.
Grade 4. © 20Feb23, A696494.R67300, 20Sep50.

CORRECT TASTE, STRENGTH AND FLAVOR. (Coffee) © 22May23, Print 6932. R70359, 24Nov50, Hills Bros. Coffee, Inc. (P)


L'entraineuse. R64194.


© Hearst Magazines, Inc. (PCW)
v. 73, no. 4, Oct. 1922. © 10Sep22, B547833. R65146, 26Ju150.
v. 73, no. 5, Nov. 1922. © 10Oct22, B549227. R66250, 24Aug50.
v. 73, no. 6, Dec. 1922. © 10Nov22, B552075. R68011, 6Oct50.
v. 74, no. 1, Jan. 1923. © 10Dec22, B553617. R70148, 17Nov50.
v. 74, no. 2, Feb. 1923. © 10Jan23, B567748. R71672, 18Dec50.


Valley of silent men. R66175.

COSTUME SILHOUETTES, by Mary Evans. (Lippincott's unit texts) © 11Sep23, A759570. R71290, 6Dec50, Mary Evans (A)

COULOMB, Jeanne de. SEE

Le silence de Nadia. R67732.


© The Curtis Publishing Co. (PCW)
v. 88, nos. 1-26, Jan. 6-June 30, 1923. © 4Jan23, B567219; 11Jan23, B567749; 18Jan23, B568287; 25Jan23, B56874l; lFeb23, B569182; 8Feb23, B570270; 15Feb23, BS69787; 22Feb23, B570769; lMar23, BS71294; 8Mar23, B571852; 15Mar23, B572380; 22Mar23, B572926; 29Mar23, B573485; 5Apr23, B573965; 12Apr23, B574503; 19Apr23, BS74982; 26Apr23, B575495; 3May23, B576049; 10May23, B576577; 17May23, B577078; 24May23, B577585; 31May23, B577989; 7Jun23, B578486; 14Jun23, B579007; 21Jun23, B579468; 28Jun23, B579939. R71208-71233, 6Dec50


In exile. R71173.

THE COUSIN FROM NOWHERE, a new musical comedy adapted by Fred Thompson from the book of Herman Haller and Rideamus, Words by Adrian Ross [pseud, of Arthur Ropes] Robert C. Tharp, and Douglas Furb r; music by Edward Kunneke. Vocal score. © 16May23, D26466. R66176, 22Aug50, Fred Thompson (A), Ethel Ropes (W), Robert C. Tharp (A), Douglas Furber (A)


The cherry orchard. R70756.
The lower depths; a drama in four acts. R70755.
Moscow Art Theatre series of Russian plays. R70757.
The three sisters; a drama in four acts. R70753.
Tsar Fyodor Ivanovitch. R7O754.


The cherry orchard. R7O756.
The lower depths; a drama In four acts. R7O755.
Moscow Art Theatre series of Russian plays. R70757.
The three sisters; a drama in four acts. R7O753.
Tsar Fyodor Ivanovitch. R7O754.

COXON, Muriel (Hine), "Mrs. Sidney Coxon." SEE

The flight. R6I4.I96.

COXON, Mrs. Sidney. SEE Coxon, Muriel (Hine)

THE CRAFT OF ATHENIAN POTTERY, by Gisela M. A. Rlchter and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. © 29Jun23, A752353. R65277, 31Ju150, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (PWH)

THE CRAFTSMANSHIP OF THE ONE-ACT PLAY, by Percival Wilde. © 21Feb23, A696539. R64562, 19Ju150, Percival Wilde (A)

THE CRAGUN CONSERVATORY METHOD FOR SAXOPHONE, v. 1. By J. Beach Cragun. © 26Oct25, A761846. R68915, 27Oct50, Rubank, inc. (PWH)

CRAGUN, John Beach. SEE

The Cragun Conservatory method for saxophone, v. 1. R68915.

CRAIG, James, pseud. SEE Snell, Roy Judson.

CRAIG KENNEDY LISTENS IN, by Arthur B. Reeve. (Adventures of Craig Kennedy, scientific detective) © 11Oct23, A760351. R71666, 14Dec50, Margaret Reeve Maiorino (C)

CREATIVE SALESMANSHIP, by Herbert W. Hess. © 2Feb23, A698641. R68980. 27Oct50, Mrs. Henry Schaffner (NK)

CREEK, Herbert Le Sourd. SEE

The literature of business. R68967.

LE CRIME DE SYLVESTRE BONNARD, par Anatole Franoe. Abridged and edited with notes, by J. L. Borgerhoff. (Heath's modern language series) © on exercises, 17Nov22, A692074. R67296, 20Sep50, J. L. Borgerhoff (A)

CRINOLINE AND ROMANCE, a photoplay In six reels by Metro Pictures Corp. © 7Feb23, L18737. R71807, 20Dec50, Loew's Inc. (PWH)

THE CRITIC, a one act thing by James Montgomery Flagg. © 24May23, D64596. R64011, 12Jun50, Lee and J. J. Shubert (PWH)


Oklahoma digest annotated. R64314 ...
Oklahoma three-in-one service. R64316.

CROFT, Terrell. SEE

Practical heat. R67313.
Steam turbine principles and practloe. R67307.

CROISSET, Franole de. SEE

Ciboulette. R69898.

CROSS CURRENTS IN EUROPE TODAY, by Charles A. Beard. (Dartmouth alumni lectures) © 21Sep22, A683348. R67370, 8Sep50, Miriam Vagts (C)

CROSSED WIRES, a farcical comedy in three sets by Richard Augustus Purdy. © 2Dec22, D62970. R70760, 1Dec50, Mrs. Clara T. Purdy (W)