them out again, and that of them was the whole earth overspread. It says again that he took food for all animals; now, if he only took two in, and he brought two out, not counting the sacred animals, on what did he feed lions and leopards and dogs, which only eat flesh?’ The one reply to such a question was, We cannot tell; but it says that Noah took food for all the animals, hence we must assume that he took food suited to each kind of animal.’
They not only want to know such things as these, but they want to know a great many details which cannot always be supplied. For instance, one boy asked, ‘Who took the seven baskets of food left over after the miracle of feeding the five thousand on the mountain? Did the people, or did the disciples?’ And again, ‘What was the boy's name out of whom the disciples could not cast out the devil at the foot of the hill, after the Transfiguration?’