to school a far shorter time than the younger ones, and, in many cases, know less. They are being trained, some as teachers, some as clerks, or store-keepers, for the most part for chiefs, but some few intend to try for situations under the Administration. Some are drafted oft" to our Industrial Mission, and are taught trades. Many of them, some only 10 or 12 years of age, hold important chieftainships, and will be great men in the country in a few years’ time. For them especially we would ask much prayer, that they may learn to rule their people in a Christ-like way.
The old man of sixty and the young boy of three both began to read about the same time, though the old man has made far quicker progress than the child. One of the most pleasing features of work in Uganda is to see the way each one wants to hand on to some other what he himself has been taught. It is probable that, to