by experience that the simpler plan is to hit the lion a blow with a stick, of which the king of beasts is just as much afraid as is a terrier dog, and he runs away immediately with his tail between his legs. The lion is by no means the brave animal he is usually supposed to be, though dangerous enough when cornered or wounded and righting for his life.
It may be generally stated as a fact that one never need be afraid of animals in the ordinary way of travel. If you will let them alone, they are only too glad to let you alone, and to rush out of your way as fast as possible. It is extremely difficult to catch sight of animals at all, except at a distance. Elephants, though not by any means scarce, can rarely be seen, though you can follow their path, which is very evident when newly made, as they trample down a wide space through the long grass. Natives have to be extremely careful in walking where