put up by the natives at their own cost, and with their own labour, the architect, for a building of this size, usually being a European. The interiors are often very beautiful, as will be seen in the picture of the church at Mitiana. The architect of this was the Rev. H. W. Tegart, a European missionary; and very proud the natives are that they are taught to build such handsome places. The poles are covered with reeds, light yellow in appearance; the black marks are the sewing with the bark of a small shrub, which is very strong; with it each reed is individually sewn on.
At these places the work is carried on for the most part by natives, supervised by one European, sometimes with his wife, sometimes with two lady missionaries attached to the station, as in the case of Ngogwe, Ndege, Iganga; but more often Europeans do not number more than two.