said the boy, ‘that is so in our country. A bachelor is never listened to, in fact, he is scarcely known, and could not, in any case, get a chieftainship, or occupy any position of influence in the country.’
Christianity has also made the people work, because they feel that they must have better clothing, better houses to live in, some furniture, and a greater variety of food, and these things act as an incentive in making them work. Many of them are learning to be bricklayers and brickmakers, and numbers have been taught by the industrial missionaries in building the new cathedral in Mengo and in building houses. The Industrial Mission has also instructed a number of carpenters and joiners; some blacksmithing has been taught; and printers, who are now working in the Government printing office at Entebe, have learned their trade in the same way. The boys learn composing and making-up in