the entrance to Kavirondo Bay, we steamed off at daybreak, and by 5 p.m. on Wednesday reached Entebe, the landing-place of Uganda, after fifteen hours’ steaming.
Steamers as large as the ‘Winifred’ go out farther to sea, and so miss the varied and charming scenery afforded by the islands which thickly stud the north of the lake. The deeper draught necessitates sailing in mid-channel, even when passing between islands, and much of the beauty is thus lost. The trip across the lake will probably disappoint many who have heard such glowing descriptions of it from other travellers. Seen from a near point of vantage in a dhow or canoe, which usually keep as near land as possible, the islands present an altogether different appearance; they are not very hilly, and the ‘Winifred’ is a little too far away to enable one to fully appreciate them. I need not pause to describe them, except to say that they vary from bare rocks and