Nairobi, there are as many as three trains a week, but beyond that point to the lake one or two passenger trains a week are considered ample for the small number of passengers. At the time of writing this, the upper part of the line is not yet permanent, and the heavy rains are constantly washing away parts of embankments, and the line being only single often causes much delay. Our illustration represents one such delay, where it took two hours to go 200 yards, the train coming off the line five times.
Where one is not anxious to catch a steamer (we were, in this particular case), such delays are rather more amusing than distressing, for it is possible and allowable to get out of the train and take a walk or take snapshots ; but it is not advisable to walk too far ahead of the train, as there is positively no guarantee that it will catch you up that day, and you may find yourself