not eaten the heart of the chief, and so incensed the spirit, which they thought for a long time was the case.
Several Europeans are buried in the churchyard at Namirembe, and, as many of these were Government officials, one member of the Government sent up a sum of money to keep these graves in repair. A teacher was appointed to the task of superintending the work, for which he was paid. Many natives who had recently joined the Church saw the teacher walking about over the graves and digging up the weeds. He wanted assistance, but could get no one to help him, as the bystanders said he would be sure to incur the wrath of the spirit by walking about on dead men’s graves, and that he would be sure to be very ill before long. It was a curious coincidence that about a week after the teacher was taken ill with fever. It was not by any means for the first time, as fever is