cultivate the garden, often to help clean the roads, to fetch all the firewood, to carry the water from the well, and, in fact, do all the drudgery of the house. The woman in our illustration, carrying firewood, had a load weighing over one hundredweight, which she had collected in the forests and carried some four miles to her home.
The increase in the population in Uganda is very small, not because the birth-rate is small, but because the death-rate is almost equal to it. It is difficult to say what is the proportion of infants’ deaths; probably some thing more than eighty per cent. of the children die before they reach the age of ten years. This is partly due to the climatic conditions, partly to malaria, partly the results of the evil lives of their ancestors, but a great deal is due to neglect on the part of the mothers, who seem not to know how to rear their children. The very first thing that happens to a child within an hour of its birth is to