Page:Unarmoured ships.djvu/13

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Small Ships.

peace, and for protecting our commerce in time of war, vessels of the 'Alabama' class, or of the far more formidable class of the 'Amethyst' type, of 1.900 tons, 350 horse-power, and 14 guns. Such vessels can be built for 70,000l. and must always be most valuable.

It is admitted that the smaller cruisers must succumb to larger vessels in an engagement; but it does not follow that the smaller classes are incapable of doing effective service. The prospect of meeting a 'Raleigh' or 'Inconstant' is remote.

Vastum maris aequor arandum.

A ship of small size may have fully repaid her cost by the destruction inflicted on an enemy's commerce, before she meets with an adversary of overwhelming power; and, even then, in an engagement between unarmoured steamers, the chances of firing a fatal shot into the engine-room are about equal for either ship.

Why some larger ships required.For certain important services, and especially for the purpose of securing the means of escape from a more formidable iron clad by superior speed, a larger class of ships may be required; but if the same qualities of speed can be obtained in the smaller ships, even though they mount fewer guns, there is much to be said in their favour. The 'Inconstant' is necessarily an expensive ship for the service she is intended to perform. The original cost was 214,000l., with subsequent expenditure of 20,000l. for repairs. It was in consequence of the representations of Admiral Porter that the proposal of a subsidy to