Page:Unconventional Warfare Pocket Guide.pdf/13

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UW Pocket Guide V1.0, 5 April 2016

Phase 0: Steady State

During the Steady State, the USG conducts Joint or multinational operations or interagency activities to dissuade or deter potential adversaries and to assure or solidify relationships with friends and allies. These activities (below) normally precede, sometimes by years, the operations they are intended to support. They are critical to establish, maintain, and reestablish the conditions whereby UW could be considered as a feasible U.S. strategic option. SOF can conduct Phase 0 activities continuously and in all operational modes (overt, low visibility, clandestine, and covert), and can include the full menu of theater cooperation engagement activities, and all preparation of the environment (PE) activities.


  • Conduct continual Area Assessments
  • Conduct Preparation of the Environment (PE): Civil, Military, Physical, Virtual Domains
  • Identify Threats, and Design and Plan UW Options
  • Activities to Legitimize Narratives Supporting U.S. Interests and Potential Resistance Movements
  • Build Internal and External Support for Potential Resistance Movements
  • Conduct Activities to Set Conditions for the Introduction of U.S. Forces into the Area of Operations When Necessary
  • Conduct Continual Military Information Support Operations (MISO) Assessments
  • Maintain PR Intelligence Analysis to Support Assisted Recovery Mechanisms

UW Phase I: Preparation

Preparation must begin with intelligence preparation of the environment (IPOE) to understand the dynamics within the populace. UW IPOE includes, but is not limited to, a thorough analysis of the resistance force’s strengths, weaknesses, logistics concerns, level of training and experience, political or military agendas, factional relationships, and external political ties. Along with this data, IOPE requires a thorough target area study. At a minimum, the target area study includes governmental services, living conditions, and political, religious, economic, environmental, medical, and educational issues.