Page:Unconventional Warfare Pocket Guide.pdf/17

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UW Pocket Guide V1.0, 5 April 2016

  • Synchronize Operational Effects with Joint Task Forces, other U.S. Government Agencies, and Coalition Partners
  • Continue to Build PR (NAR/UAR) Architecture
  • Expand Logistics Stocks, Support, and Sustainment Capacity

UW Phase VI: Employment

During employment, the resistance force initiates an expanded scope of offensive operations to achieve the desired effects. The desired effects can range from causing the enemy to commit limited resources away from a pending invasion area, support to a pending invasion area (as in general war), or in the case of a separate insurgency (limited war), the achievement of specific strategic politico-military objectives. The main activities in this phase consist of interdiction and MISO. The specific tactics (raids and ambushes) and activities (intelligence gathering, force protection) that occur during employment are not exclusive to UW.


  • Maintain Alignment of Resistance Campaign Activities with Resistance Narratives and Legitimacy
  • Synchronize Resistance Operations and Activities Across Boundaries
  • Expand Resistance Controlled Territory
  • Employ MISO Messaging to Delegitimize Adversary and Legitimize Resistance
  • Provide Civil-Military Support to Displaced Persons, Refugees & Evacuees (DPRE), and Expand and Prepare Resistance Capacity for Governance

UW Phase VII: Transition

SOF may conduct UW until they assist the resistance in removing the hostile power and the indigenous population becomes the government. At this point, it is critical to shift mindsets from defeating the adversary regime to protecting the newly installed government and its security personnel from insurgency, lawlessness, and subversion by former regime elements that attempt to organize their own resistance. Planners should have addressed transition planning in the feasibility assessment that formed the basis of the determination to support the resistance organization.