Page:Under Dewey at Manila.djvu/227

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Chinese or Japanese craft. I ain't got no use for thet sort o' critter, sir."

"You might have done worse, man, than to fall in with the Chinese or Japanese," laughed the petty officer, after he had given the necessary orders to take the small boat back to the warship. Supposing you had fallen in with Admiral Montojo's fleet?"

"Montojo? Who is he?"

"The Spanish admiral, in command of their men-o'-war in these waters."

Both Striker and Larry looked puzzled for a moment, then a quick flash lit up the boy's dark eyes.

"Has war been declared between the United States and Spain, sir?" he ejaculated.

"It has."

"By the jumpin' Christopher, ye don't tell me!" roared Striker, his mouth open in amazement. "Real, genuine, live war?"

"Well, we calculate to make it real, genuine, live war, if we can find Montojo's fleet," laughed the officer, much amused by the tall Yankee's manner.

"And are ye on his trail?"

"I presume that is what you would call it, my man. And I don't know but that you'll have to go with us, under the circumstances," went on the officer.