Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/120

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lay-to for a few hours for repairs. The chart was examined and the bay found sufficiently deep, so the Central entered it and dropped anchor fifty yards from the beach.

At once the men began to beg to go ashore. All put in a claim at the same time. But it was manifestly impossible that fourteen hundred and thirty men could go ashore in a few small boats in the short time allowed, and so soldiers and sailors were told to draw lots, the lucky ones being limited to just one hundred.

"Hurrah, I'm to go!" cried Si, after trying his luck, and then, as he saw Walter's face fall he added, in a whisper: "I don't care much, and if you draw a blank you can go in my place."

"No, I won't cut off your pleasure," said Walter, and then tried his own luck. "I'm with you, Si!" he cried enthusiastically. "Come, let's get in the first boat." And off they rushed. But the first boat was already full, and they had to wait for the second. Soon the happy crowd on board were landed, and the small craft went back for others of the lucky ones.

Previous to letting the men disembark, those in command of the transport had examined the shore carefully through their glasses without seeing a trace