Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/123

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keeping up the fusillade until their arms ached. Six other cocoanuts were brought down, one hitting Walter on the shoulder with such force that it lamed him. But the new lot of nuts were as bad as the old.

"Sold," sighed Si. "And I had my mouth all set for a big, sweet piece, too."

"Where are the others?" burst out Walter, suddenly. "I don't see them anywhere."

"They can't be far off," answered his chum. "Come, I think they went in this direction."

"That direction? You mean in this direction." And Walter pointed in a directly opposite way.

"No, I mean this way."

"I'm sure they didn't go that way, Si. The last I saw of them, Branwood was passing that rock."

"And the last I saw of them, Carrington was passing that clump of bushes," returned Si, very soberly. "We can't both be right."

"That's true, and I think—"

"That you are right, o' course—" Si gave a short laugh.

"And you think you are right, Si Doring."

"Exactly, and why shouldn't I? My eyesight is jest as good as yours, ain't it?" The Yankee boy