Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/125

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tried a new way to the shore, along a tiny mountain stream, which bubbled and dashed over a series of moss-grown rocks.

The stream led around the edge of a small cliff, and here the undergrowth was as thick as that before encountered. But what surprised the lads more than anything was the sight of a nipa hut, set up against the cliff.

"Hullo, a hut!" cried Walter.

"Sure enough," responded his chum. "Wonder if any of the people who live here are around? If they are, we might— Oh!"

Si got no further, for at that instant he found himself gripped tightly from behind. Walter was also seized, and a second later both of the boys were hurled flat on their faces. They tried to rise, and each started to give the alarm, but then several war-clubs were flourished in the air over them, they saw dark and ferocious faces thrust close to their own, and then followed several telling blows which speedily rendered them insensible.