Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/128

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"Not the slightest."

A pause followed, and during that time Walter managed to roll over and over until he bumped up against his chum. Si lay close to a rocky wall, which proved that they were in a cave.

"We must get free, and that quickly," continued Walter. "For all we know our ship has already sailed."

"Don't say that, Walter, don't! They wouldn't be mean enough to desert us, would they?"

"I don't know. One thing is certain, though: they couldn't afford to stay here very long looking for us. The orders were to proceed to Manila as quickly as possible. We only dropped anchor in the bay because it was absolutely necessary."

"Well, if we were free, we might do something. Can you untie my hands if I back up to you?"

"I can try," replied Walter.

Without delay the Yankee lad turned over and brought his wrists to where Walter could easily touch them. It was no easy job to unloosen the twisted vines, and Walter's nails were much broken over the task. But at last he succeeded in freeing his chum.

"Good for you," said Si. "Now I'll do as much