Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/144

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"No, they looked more like savage negroes."

"But we don't want to fall into their hands. They mean business,—or they wouldn't have attacked us as they did and made us prisoners."

So the conversation ran on, until, an hour later, Si proposed they mount another tree. This was not difficult, for all of the trees in that vicinity were well provided with low-drooping branches. Up they went to the top, and Walter, who was now ahead, gave a subdued shout of joy.

"The ship!"

"Sure?" queried Si, and pushed up beside him. "You are right, and the sooner we get to her, the better."

They had reached a point where they could see far to the northwest of their former position. Here was the beautiful bay where they had come ashore, and there lay the Central at anchor, as peacefully as ever. The sight of the transport was to them like a sight of home.

"How far off do you think she is?" began Walter, when a number of shots rang out, cutting short his question. The shots came from the woods fronting the bay, and soon they saw the smoke rising among the trees. Then out on the beach ran a number of