Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/154

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beach, and coming to the last of the woods peered forth, to find the spot deserted.

"The natives have taken themselves off," began Walter, when a shining object lying not far away caught his eyes. It was a pistol dropped by one of the transport's officers, and quickly he ran and picked it up.

"Is it loaded, Walter?"

The young sailor made an examination. "Four chambers are," he answered.

"Good. Now, if we can only find some game—"

"But a shot would bring those Filipinos down on us, Si."

"Maybe not. Anyway, we've got to risk something, or starve—and I'd rather take the risk, wouldn't you? "

"I was thinking of what Larry did when he and Luke Striker were cast ashore somewhere around here. They found some fish on the beach, which had been cast up by the storm. We may be as lucky, if we look around."

"But how are you going to cook the fish without a fire?"

"We can find some hollow and discharge the pistol into some dry gatherings. That won't make much