Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/173

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tinued the major of the first battalion, ignoring the captain's questions.

"But you haven't told me what the surprise is, major. Out with it, and don't keep me guessing."

"Well, it's this. You know our time of enlistment runs out in a few months."


"Lieutenant Pennington and myself have concluded to reënlist."

"That's right; so will I—if Uncle Sam wants me."

"But we are not going to reënlist as before. We are going into the regular army—if the government will have us."

"Oh!" Ben was surprised and looked it. "Going to give up the volunteer service, then?"

"Yes. And we want you to come with us."

Ben shook his head slowly. "No, major, I don't think I care to do it. I am willing to fight as a volunteer, when Uncle Sam needs my services. But to make army life a business, so to speak,—well, that's different."

Major Morris's face fell. "I was afraid you would talk that way—and Pennington was afraid, too. But perhaps you'll reconsider the matter when your time is out here."