Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/180

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"Hike her up, boys; don't give them a chance to reload!"

"Make every shot tell, fellows; don't waste your ammunition on the air!"

"To the left, boys. Fire low. There they go! Now give it to 'em! Hike her up!'

So the cries arose as the battalion ranged across the rice-field. With our army in the Philippines the word "hike" is a great favorite and seems to carry special inspiration with it. Soon they were in the very centre of the field. The Tagals were at the edge of the jungle beyond and pouring in a hot and steady fire.

"Down! Careful aim, boys. Now then, up again! This way, double quick!" and another rush was made, the advancing line utilizing every bush, rise, or hollow within reach. It was dangerous work, and it needed brave men to carry it on, but no one faltered. Crack! crack! crack! went the