Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/224

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"Well, do what you can. Do you see that fellow over yonder, by the sharp rock?"


"He's fast asleep, and his gun is at his feet. I think you can get that firearm if you are slick about it."

"I'll try it," answered Walter. "What will you do?"

"Cut the ropes of those two men at the nearest tree first, and then try to get a gun for myself. We have the best of them in one way, for they are not dreaming of an attack in this forsaken place."

Their brief plan completed, they separated, and Walter began to crawl toward the sharp rock, doing it slowly and without the least noise. His heart beat rapidly, for he well knew the danger he was running. Should the Filipino rouse up and see him, the fellow would shoot the young sailor on the spot.