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Pirkis (Mps. C. L.), Novels by: Trooping with Crows. Fcap. 8vo,

picture cover, Is. Lady Lovelace. Post 8vo, illustrated

boards, 28. [Preparing.

PlanchS (J. R.), Works by:

The Pursuivant of Arms ; or, Her- aldry Founded upon Facts. With Coloured Frontispiece and 200 Illus- trations. Cr. 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d.

Songs and Poems, from 1819 to 1879. Edited, with an Introduction, by his Daughter, Mrs. Mackarness. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

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Poe (Edgar Allan):—

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The Mystery of Marie Roget, and other Stories. Post 8vo, illust.bds.,2s.

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Right Honourable:" A Romance of Society and Politics. By Mrs. Camp- bell-Praed and Justin McCarthy, M.P. Cr. 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

Princess Olga— Radna; or, The

Great Conspiracy of 1881. By the Princess Olga. Cr. 8vo, cl. ex., 6s.

Proctor (Rlchd. A.), Works by ;

Flowers of the Sky. With 55 Illusts. Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, 4s. 6d.

Easy Star Lessons. With Star Maps for Every Night in the Year, Draw- ings of the Constellations, &c. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

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Price (E. C), Novels by:

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Peg Wofflngton. Illustrated by S. L. Fildes, A. R.A.

Christie Johnstone. Illustrated by William Small.

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The Course of True Love Never did run Smooth. Illustrated by Helen Paterson.

The Autobiography of a Thief; Jack of all Trades; and James Lambert. Illustrated by Matt Stretch.

Love me Little. Love me Long. Il- lustrated by M. Ellen Edwards.

The Double Marriage. Illust. by Sir John Gilbert, R.A.,andC. Keene.

The Cloister and the Hearth. Il- lustrated by Charles Keene.

Hard Cash. Illust. by F. W. Lawson.

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Foul Play. Illust. by Du Maurier.

Put Yourself In His Place. Illus- trated by Robert Barnes.

A Terrible Temptation. Illustrated by Edw. Hughes and A. W. Cooper.

The Wandering Heir. Illustrated by H. Paterson, S. L. Fildes, A.R.A., C. Green, and H. Woods, A.R.A.

A Simpleton. Illustrated by Kate Crauford.

A Woman-Hater. Illustrated by Thos. Couldery.

Singleheart and Ooublefaee: A Matter-of-fact Romance. Illustrated by P. Macnab.

Good Stories of Men and other Animals. Illustrated by E. A. Abbey, Percy Macquoid, and Joseph Nash.

The J 1 It, and other Stories. Illustrated by Joseph Nash.

Readiana. With a Steel-plate Portrait of Charles Reade.