Page:Unhappy couple.pdf/2

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YOU lovers all pray give attention,
to thoſe few lines which I am told,
It's of two lovers blaſted in their glory,
all for the ſake of curſed gold.

'Twas known I was courted by many,
both Lords and Knights that to me came,
But I could never fancy any
ſave honeſt John, my Father's groom.

My love is both tall and handſome,
he is well ſhap'd in every limb;
Could I but obtain the King's ranſom,
I ne'er wou'd fancy any but him.

'Twas near the famous town of Reading,
it was the place where we were join'd,
And there in private we ſtole a wedding,
which prov'd to us the moſt unkind.

We had no friends for to attend us,
but Nelly who was my waiting maid;
We then jointly did invite her,
this artful girl our love betray'd.

Then Nelly wrote a private letter,
to let my cruel Father know,
Of the place where we were joined;
which prov'd our fatal overthrow.