Page:Unhappy couple.pdf/6

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Now ſince theſe prizes are brought in,
In honour of Great George our King,
In praiſe of Lord Howe let us ſing,
And every gallant Tar, Sir;
For they will always win the day
And drive the boaſting French away,
To face our guns they durſt not ſtay,
So give three cheers with a loud huzza,
Drink ſucceſs to England's forces.


IN lonely cot, by Humber-ſide,
I ſit and mourn my hours away;
For conſtant Will was Peggy's pride,
and now he ſleeps in Iceland Bay.

Chor. Still as the ſhips paſs to and fro,
I fondly lilt to yo, ya, yo;
Still as the ſhips paſs to and fro,
I fondly lilt to yo, ya, yo.
Yo, ya, yo, Yo, ya, yo, Yo, ya, yo

Six months on Greenland's icy coaſt,
where half the year is dreary night,
He toil'd for me, and oft would boaſt,
that Peggy was his ſole delight.&c.

Ah! woe is me! I often cry,
as thro' the broken panes peep,
And as the diſtant fails I ſpy
I think on deareſt Will and weep.&c.