Held at Church House, Westminster, London, on Friday, 28 January 1946, at 3 p.m.
President: Mr. N. J. O. Makin (Australia).
Present: The representatives of the following countries: Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom
16. Provisional agenda
- Adoption of the agenda.
- Letter from the Head of the Iranian delegation to the Executive Secretary dated 19 January 1946.[1]
- Letter from the Acting Head of the USSR delegation to the President of the Security Council dated 21 January 1946.[2]
- Letter from the Head of the Ukrainian SSR delegation to the President of the Security Council dated 21 January 1946.Ibid., Supplement No. 1; Annex 4.</ref>
- Letter from the Head of the Yugoslav delegation to the Executive Secretary (undated).Ibid., Supplement No. 1; Annex 5.</ref>
17. Filming of proceedings
The President: The first matter that I would like to submit to members of the Security Council is the question as to the filming of the proceedings of this session. A request has been made that there might be a filming, not just of a part of the proceedings, but of the whole of the proceedings. This morning, when this matter was referred to me, I indicated that possibly the Council might feel willing to approve of from ten minutes to a quarter of an hour of its proceedings being filmed for documentary purposes, but it is quite evident that this does not suffice for the needs of those who are associated with the filming of the proceedings. I understand from the representations that the Press has made about the matter, that the Press feels that if there is to be a complete documentation of the proceedings of the Council, it is essential for the whole of the proceedings to be filmed.
I would like members of the Security Council to determine whether there is any condition of discomfort or distraction that is likely to arise by reason of this. I may say that the Press has indicated to me that it has sought to minimize the amount of lighting that has to be done for the filming of our proceedings so as to cause no more discomfort than is necessary to members of the Security