words. referred to by the Iranian delegation. I will use the text of the Iranian Government's note of 1 December, which the Iranian delegation has sent to the members of the Security Council. This text shows, no matter how desirable it may be for the Iranian delegation to deny it, that the Iranian Government through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed with satisfaction to the contents of the statement mentioned in the Soviet note of 26 November. In order to decide the nature of these statements, it is obviously necessary to refer to them, that is to the Soviet Government's note of 26 November. It is evident, on referring to this note, that the Soviet statement pointed out that the allegation of interference by Soviet employees in the internal affairs of Iran in the northern district was not in accordance with the facts and that, on the contrary, the Soviet note of 26 November contained no statement to the effect that "the incidents will not be repeated", as now asserted by the Iranian delegation. Indeed, head could the note of the Iranian Government, dated 1 December, express satisfaction at the statement of the Soviet Government that “the incidents will not be repeated” if the Soviet note with which the Iranian Government expressed its satisfaction did not state that “the incidents will not be repeated”? Moreover, there are other passages in the Iranian note of 1 December which prove that the Iranian Government was at that time satisfied.
I am quoting from the text submitted by Mr. Taqizadeh:
"Your assurance [that is, the assurance of the Soviet Government contained in the note of 26 November] that the officials of the Soviet Union fully respect the provisions of the Tri-Partite Treaty and of the Declaration signed in Tehran by the three great Powers (which are the Allies of Iran), is also a source of gratification."[1]
Thus, it is quite evident that the Iranian Government was satisfied with the results of the negotiations of November 1945 between the Soviet and Iranian Governments, on the question which the Iranian Government is now endeavouring to bring before the Security Council for consideration.
I must also point out that at that time, that is in December 1945, the Iranian Government did not show any desire to continue the negotiations on this question. In proof of this, the following passage of the same note of the Iranian Government of 1 December may be quoted:
"In answer to the communication in which you reply that the charges made concerning the interference of Soviet officials in our internal affairs, in the Northern Provinces, are unfounded, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not wish at this time to give further explanations in this matter and to throw more light on the antecedents of the case."[2]