even if this item is placed upon the agenda, it is within the province of the member to make such move as he may feel proper at that time with regard to the course he has suggested? The fact of it being included in the agenda at this stage does not determine the matter. That is a matter which will be considered at the stage when we reach that item on the agenda. It will then still be possible for the representative of the United States of America or any other member of the Council to make his suggestion.
The suggestion of the representative of the United States of America is that the placing of this item, the application of Albania for admission as a Member of the United Nations, on the agenda of this Security Council should be deferred until some time just before the second part of the first session of the General Assembly. Is that correct?
Mr. Stettinius (United States of America): I think the important point is that, as a result of the action of the Executive Committee and the Preparatory Commission, undoubtedly a number of peace-loving States which would like to join the United Nations refrained from making application during this period. My suggestion is not aimed, as the representative of Brazil has said, at Albania at all. The question of admitting Albania does not enter into the matter. It is merely a question of fairness and equity to all peace-loving States. I think it would be much better to adopt a procedure for deferring this whole question and dealing with it at the forthcoming meeting of the Assembly.
The President: I will now submit this matter to the vote of the Council. Those who are in favour of the submission by the representative of the United States of America that the matter be deferred, and not included at this stage upon the agenda of the Security Council, please indicate by raising the right hand.
Show of hands.
Show of hands.
Show of hands.
The President: I am afraid some members have not quite understood the position.
Mr. Paul-Boncour (France) (translated from French): I abstained from voting, and I should like to give the reason for doing so. The representative of the United States of America asked that the question be postponed until the second part of the present Assembly. The Chinese representative suggested, and I fully approve, that we should first settle the procedure. But did he mean that we should settle it now and that the question of the admission of Albania could be considered during the present session or on the