Page:United Nations Security Council Meeting Record 2933.pdf/43

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(The President)

Here's the transcription for the provided image, as per the formatting instructions: The representative of Iraq has asked to speak, and I call on him.

Mr. Al-Ansari (Iraq): I simply wanted to make a point of clarification, as I heard the representative of the United States refer to me as having said that Iraq had withdrawn 72 tanks. I did not say that. I was referring to the type of tanks that had been withdrawn, but I gave no specific number.

The President: The representative of Kuwait has asked to speak, and I call on him.

Mr. Abdulhasan (Kuwait) (interpretation from Arabic): By adopting the draft resolution, the Council has earned the gratitude of Kuwait, its Government and its people for a courageous position designed to restore peace and to defend the principles of protecting and preserving security. His Royal Highness the Amir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Al-Sabah, who is in the best position to thank the Council, has already expressed his feelings and the feelings of his people in the statement he made yesterday addressed to his courageous people, who are under his leadership and under his command. In that statement, which was also addressed to the world, being broadcast by the mass media throughout the globe, he said:

"Dear brothers, know that we are not alone in facing aggression. We have with us the Arabs and the Muslims, and by our side we also have the States of the world, which have not hesitated a single instant to raise their voices to deplore and condemn aggression. In addition to this, we are the champions of law. We must rebuff aggression against our territory and preserve our honour and our dignity. We must defend our sovereignty and our independence."