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United Nations
S/RES/1974 (2011)

Security Council
Distr.: General
22 March 2011

Resolution 1974 (2011)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 6500th meeting, on 22 March 2011

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions on Afghanistan, in particular its resolution 1917 (2010) extending through 23 March 2011 the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) as established by resolution 1662 (2006), and recalling also the report of the Security Council mission to Afghanistan, 21 to 24 June 2010 (S/2010/564),

Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan,

Stressing the importance of a comprehensive approach to address the situation in Afghanistan, and recognizing that there is no purely military solution to ensure the stability of Afghanistan,

Reaffirming its continued support for the Government and people of Afghanistan as they rebuild their country, strengthen the foundations of sustainable peace and constitutional democracy and assume their rightful place in the community of nations,

Welcoming the results of the Kabul International Conference on Afghanistan held on 20 July 2010 which constituted a milestone in the Kabul Process towards accelerated Afghan leadership and ownership, strengthened international partnership and regional cooperation, improved Afghan governance, enhanced capabilities of Afghan security forces, economic growth and better protection for the rights of all Afghan citizens, including women, and welcoming specifically the commitments made by the Afghan Government including the development of a framework, timelines and benchmarks for the new National Priority Programmes, progress towards transition to an Afghan security lead, improvement of governance and tackling of corruption,

Reaffirming also the commitments made at the London Conference (S/2010/65), which set a clear agenda and agreed priorities for the way ahead on Afghanistan, underpinned by a comprehensive strategy to be taken forward by the Government of Afghanistan with the support of the region, the international community and with a central and impartial coordinating role for the United Nations,

11-27368 (E)
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