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S/RES/1974 (2011)

welcoming, in this regard, the continued commitment of the international community to support stability and development in Afghanistan, noting international and regional initiatives such as the Istanbul "Heart of Asia" Summit, the quadrilateral Summit of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and the Russian Federation, as well as by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and looking forward to the Fifth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA) to be held in Tajikistan in the fall of this year,

Welcoming the efforts of countries that are increasing their civilian and humanitarian efforts to assist the Government and the people of Afghanistan and encouraging the international community to further enhance their contributions in a coordinated manner with the Afghan authorities and UNAMA,

Welcoming also the agreement reached at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) Lisbon Summit 2010 between the Government of Afghanistan and countries contributing to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to gradually transfer lead security responsibility in Afghanistan to the Afghan National Security Forces country-wide by the end of 2014, taking note of the Declaration by NATO and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on an enduring partnership signed in Lisbon on 20 November 2010 acknowledging the joint efforts under the Inteqal/Transition process, welcoming the progress made so far in preparing the transition of a first tranche of provinces and municipal areas, and looking forward to the continued implementation of the Transition process,

Recognizing once again the interconnected nature of the challenges in Afghanistan, reaffirming that sustainable progress on security, governance, human rights, the rule of law, and development, as well as the cross-cutting issues of anti‑corruption, counter-narcotics and transparency are mutually reinforcing and welcoming the continuing efforts of the Afghan Government and the international community to address these challenges through a comprehensive approach,

Stressing the importance of a comprehensive approach in addressing the challenges in Afghanistan to a successful transition to Afghan security leadership beginning in early 2011, recognizing that security gains must be supported by progress in Afghan governance and development capacity and noting, in this context, the synergies in the objectives of UNAMA and of ISAF as also noted in resolution 1943 (2010), and stressing the need for strengthened cooperation, coordination and mutual support, taking due account of their respective designated responsibilities,

Reiterating the need for all United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, through the Country Team mechanism and a "One-UN" Approach and under the guidance of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, to increase efforts to achieve greater coherence, coordination, efficiency and full alignment with the National Priority Programmes identified by the Government of Afghanistan,

Stressing the need to further improve the reach, quality and quantity of humanitarian aid, ensuring efficient, effective and timely coordination and delivery of humanitarian assistance, including through enhanced coordination among the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes under the authority of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and between the United Nations and other donors, especially where it is most needed, emphasizing in this regard the need for
